MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor, who married Saif Ali Khan in October 2012, has expressed her desire to become a mother but not in the next two-three years. “As of now there are no plans (to have children) and I am very clear about it. Of course I will be a mother someday but not for the next two three years. It is not even a thought,” Kareena, who is basking in the success of Bajrangi Bhaijaan told PTI.
After getting married to Saif, the 34-year-old actress continued working in all kind of films. The duo tied the knot after a five-year courtship. “Despite being married, I chose to do good entertaining films including commercial films. It is difficult to balance. It is important for an actress to do everything,” the Jab We Met star said.
After scaling heights in her career Kareena wants to set an example for others. “I am not an insecure person. I am happy that after so many years I am still working, I am happy, I am independent, I am married. I would like to be an example for many young girls … that they can be married and still flourish in their career,” Kareena said.