KATHMANDU: Cool breeze and pitter-patter of the rain — some might be happy with the pleasing feel of the monsoon. Some may find the rain irritating and for many college goers, this rainy season has spelt trouble, especially due to the April 25 earthquake.
Problem of managing sufficient space
The tremblor and its major aftershocks destroyed buildings of many education institutions here in the Capital, thus forcing colleges to shift to new places or manage in the available safe space.
Therefore, even the teacher’s room, canteen and college hall have turned to classrooms at Shanker Dev Campus, Putalisadak. A total of 25 classrooms were in use before the quake, now there are only 10 classrooms usable as the three-storey main building of the campus has been declared unsuitable to use.
So, what is the impact of rain amidst this reduction in classrooms? Prakash Singh Pradhan, Campus Chief of Shanker Dev Campus shared, “As some classrooms have Corrugated Galvanised Iron (CGI) sheets as roof, the noise disturbs the class during the heavy rain.”
However, the problem of rainwater seeping inside the classroom doesn’t exist here as “if there is any leakage, we make sure to repair it immediately” as per Pradhan.
The problem is more severe at Lalit Kala Campus, Bhotahiti for the entire building of the college is not more usable, thanks to the destructive quake. So, for now, the college has been shifted to Tribhuvan University Registrar Office, Kirtipur.
But the new venue doesn’t offer them sufficient space as per Kala Devi Limbu, BFA IIIrd Year student at the Lalit Kala. “There is not sufficient classrooms for us. And the rooms have not been specifically separated where we are using the empty rooms randomly. We are also studying in open space — under the shade of trees — as it’s very hot inside the classroom with tin roof.”
According to Limbu she has not faced any problem while in college due to rain. But she says to have faced difficulties while reaching the college on time during the rain.
Reaching college on time
Colleges have taken different options to manage the space but students say it takes long time for them to reach college on time due to the rain.
“I have to change two vehicles to reach college nowadays, after it shifted to Kirtipur. As there is heavy traffic jam during the rain, I need around two hours everyday just to reach the college,” narrated Limbu.
The commute definitely hasn’t been an easy one even for Manisha Gautam, studying in BBA VIIIth Semester at Shanker Dev Campus. Gautam has to pass through the areas with cracked houses that are supported by wooden or iron poles while going to college. “As rainwater can weaken the base of those houses, I fear they might fall on me while I am passing such area. I feel it’s a kind of mental torture,” she added.
Nevertheless, she has motivated herself where she uses safe ways to the college most of the time. And if she has to pass through such risky areas, she becomes extra alert.
In the temporary shelter
It’s not only the educational institutions that were damaged during the earthquake, even the houses of many students were damaged. Thus, some students are still living under the tent post earthquake.
Prithvi Raj Khadka, BSc (CSIT) IIIrd Semester student at College of Applied Business, Tangal is one such example. Khadka, who has been sleeping under the tent since earthquake, shared, “Though our house has not collapsed, we are told not to live inside the building as it is not safe. So, during the day time we stay inside the house. But we spend our night under the tent. And it is very hard for us in the tent during
the rain.”
Not only his house, but Khadka’s college has also been damaged. And it has been shifted to New Baneshwor. He has his board exams coming soon with exam centre at Sano Thimi. But as it’s rainy season, Khadka and his friends are not going to their exam centre in college uniform as the roads are muddy.
With so many difficulties around, our college goers are positive and have hope for their better future. Khadka opined, “Earthquake and rain are natural activities. We are not able to control them. So, it’s better to take action for one’s development co-operating with the nature rather than lamenting and doing nothing.”